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360iDev Recording is up

less than 1 minute read

As promised, the talk recordings from 360idev Colorado are up on Vimeo. All talks from every 360 idev are listed on the site, my talk is embedded below :)


Speaking at 360iDev Colorado

1 minute read

After taking a break from speaking and running conferences in 2018 and 2019 as I settled into life as yet another Australian in the Bay Area, and then, well, 2020, I’m super excited to be speaking again :) More info and tickets here:


Teaching an old domain a new blog

1 minute read

It’s about 20 years, give or take, since I first launched a personal blog. If I recall correctly, I published my first post from a nondescript British Airways lounge in Heathrow airport, having just completed 20 hours of flying from Australia and waiting a few more hours for a flight to Denmark. The background image of the blog was inexplicably a picture of a Big Red chewing gum packet.